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Remember your dreams

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oracle DBA interview questions

How do you really prepare for technical questions you might get during an interview? I try to read as much as I can and review notes on basic questions or other typical interview questions regarding an Oracle DBA. On a recent job interview I was asked the following technical questions. I'll do my best to answer them as well, but if you have an opinion please fell free to chime in.

  • How to you recover from block level corruption using RMAN?
  • What is DBVerify and how do you use it?
  • How do you dump your database to a file?
  • How does export differ from datapump?
  • How can you export and import an entire schema except for one table using datapump?
  • A user has a SQL scripts that used to run in 1 hour and now takes 10 hours. The script has not changed. What could have caused this?
  • What is the recommended time frame for gathering statistics in 10g and how is it done?

Proactive Oracle DBA

This is a series of posts. I am working this to share some of the many scripts I schedule to automatically run to alert me of any current o...